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Back-to-School Services, Resources, & Programs in Brooklyn

Back-to-School Services, Resources, & Programs in Brooklyn

Find services and programs to get your child ready to go back to school in Brooklyn.

Make sure your kids are ready to go back to school in Brooklyn with prep classes, doctors appointments, and more. Review our list of business services online.

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BacktoSchool Resources

1501 Broadway 12th floor, New York
Email [email protected]

Mommybites is a community that connects expectant, new, and young moms to resources, education, expert parenting tips, fun family activities, job opportunities, childcare, and each other.

Stores & Resources

888-FIDELIS (343-3547)

Fidelis Care offers quality, affordable health coverage for children and adults of all ages and at all stages of life. Products include Child Health Plus, the New York State-sponsored health insurance program for kids under the age of 19. To learn more, call 1-888-FIDELIS (1-888-343-3547; TTY:711) or visit

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Classical Conversations

Classical Conversations

At Classical Conversations, we challenge students. By expecting more from them, partnering with parents, and using a proven method, we see the fruit o...

A. Fantis Parochial School

A. Fantis Parochial School

Brooklyn Heights, NY Since 1963, A. Fantis Parochial School of Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral in Brooklyn Heights has been educating and nurturing children from pre-... Unlock your child’s gifted potential. Here at we have the largest selection of child-centered, play-based and educational enrichme...

Leif Ericson Day School

Leif Ericson Day School

Leif Ericson Day School celebrates its 50th anniversary as a provider of quality Christian education for children in nursery through grade 8. A blend...